Rokiškio rajono vietos veiklos grupė

COMMUNITIES. Rokiškis region community festival "Only together we are successful" will be held in Salos on June 17th. STRATEGY. The XIV th call for projects under the activity area of the Rokiškis district LAG strategy "Support for business development" is underway. Get acquainted with the documents by clicking on the link.

In General meeting of LAG- general speeches and pre-holiday concert.
09-12-2019, News

The members  of LAG were participating in the general meeting on the 6 of December. Made analysis of working issues, congratulated anniversaries, members of LAG got a festive surprise- friends concert.

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General meeting - December 6.

Attention LAG members! December 6th a general meeting of LAG members shall be convened. Municipal 1st floor the meeting will be held from 4 p.m.

Agenda (provisional)
1. Regarding election of a board member to a vacancy (civil sector of Juodupė eldership)
2. About the LDS issues (preparation for the follow-up evaluation)
3. On LAG topicalities
4. Regarding the change of the membership fee regime (for LAG members - non-governmental organizations the share of the annual membership fee is set at 1/6, ie a symbolic EUR 1)

You are welcome to attend.

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"Towards an intelligent countryside" seminar - concept, discussion and exchange of experience.

On December 2, a seminar “Towards an Intelligent Village” was held in Raubonys village, Pasvalys district. It was attended by Rokiškis district. LAG representatives together with other Panevežys county LAG representatives. LAGs, rural communities, budget institutions and local business representatives got acquainted with the concept of smart villages, discussed what a smart village should be in Panevežys county, discussed topicalities of implementation of LEADER measure, and shared experience of implemented projects.

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Rokiškis LAG received accreditation to accept YVS volunteers.

The Rokiškis district local action group has been accredited to receive volunteers for youth volunteering until 2022-11-22. 

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Golgotos kelias: a traditional bicycle ride

On May 21st a traditional bicycle ride is being organized to celebrate the day of honoring the partisans, the army and  th society day. This year's march will be dedicated to the history of the Lithuanian partisans who operated in the Šimonys forest.

Applications for AKKA competition until the end of April

Applications for the 2023 selection competition of examples of good projects of the Lithuanian rural development 2014-2020 program "Future village developers 2023" must be submitted by April 30th.

Only completed projects that have been implemented without violations, have not been subject to sanctions and have achieved all the monitoring indicators provided for in the project application can be submitted to the tender.

Executors of eligible projects who wish to participate in the Good Project Examples competition must complete the "Good Project Example Form"

for more information - click here

Events in memory of Antanas Strazdas

On April 3rd-29th, events are held in Kamajai in memory of Antanas Strazdas "Ei, tu tu tu Strazdelis, tujei mandras paukštelis".

Community initiatives - in the participatory budget

40,000 Euros are provided in the budget of the municipality of Rokiškis district for the participating budget: 20,000 Euros to implement district projects and 20,000 Euros for city projects. The purpose of financing community initiatives aimed at improving the living environment, project finansating idea is to increase the opportunities of citizens to be included in the formation of the municipal budget.

The applicant can be any resident who has declared their place of residence in the municipality of Rokiškis district, who is at least 16 years old, and who has collected 20 signatures of residents who have declared their place of residence in the district, supporting the idea.

Proposals for project ideas are being accepted until 2023 March 14th at the Rokiškis district municipality administration (Respublikos g. 94, Rokiškis) and electronically (e-mail:

The value of the project implementation is up to 20,000 Euros.

More information can be found here


Flag of the Gediminas Tower for Pandėlys Gymnasium

On January 1st, during the Lithuanian Flag Day remembering ceremony, the national flag that was hanging at the Gediminas Tower was handed over to the Pandėlys Gymnasium of Rokiškis district for public spirit nurturing, - the Ministry of National Defense reported.

The tradition of handing over the flag of the Gediminas Castle tower to one of the Lithuanian schools has existed since 2005.

L. Sadauskienė – the president of Rokiškis business club

Just before Christmas, Laimutė Sadauskienė, a long-time member of the board of the Rokiškis district local activity group, owner of a bakery company, and an active public figure, became the president of the Rokiškis business club.

L.Sadauskienė is counting her personal business achievements with the medals of šakotis, sweet mushrooms and other baked goods from various national and international exhibitions. Her activities are also important in the LAG of Rokiškis district - L. Sadauskienė has been sharing her experience with NGOs almost since the beginning of the LAG, she joined in 2009. L. Sadauskienė's company is often mentioned by non-governmental organizations for its patronage tradition.


A virtual exhibition for the centenary of the artist

The Lithuanian Literature and Art Archive has prepared a virtual exhibition to commemorate the centeruy of the birth of a talented artist from Rokiškis region, Aleknos, Juzefa Pajuta (Jutos) Čeičytės (1922 - 2022),  repost the portal 

Mykolas Römeris
Mykolui Römeriui - 140
Vytautas Gužas - Kardas
Juozas Otto Širvydas
Juozas Petrulis
Juozas Tūbelis
Antanas Deksnys
Antanas Tumėnas
Vladas Mironas
Marcelė Kubiliūtė
Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas
Šmuelis Aba Sniegas
Leonardas Grigonis - Užpalis

The project is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Republic of Lithuania
