40,000 Euros are provided in the budget of the municipality of Rokiškis district for the participating budget: 20,000 Euros to implement district projects and 20,000 Euros for city projects. The purpose of financing community initiatives aimed at improving the living environment, project finansating idea is to increase the opportunities of citizens to be included in the formation of the municipal budget.
The applicant can be any resident who has declared their place of residence in the municipality of Rokiškis district, who is at least 16 years old, and who has collected 20 signatures of residents who have declared their place of residence in the district, supporting the idea.
Proposals for project ideas are being accepted until 2023 March 14th at the Rokiškis district municipality administration (Respublikos g. 94, Rokiškis) and electronically (e-mail: savivaldybe@rokiskis.lt).
The value of the project implementation is up to 20,000 Euros.
More information can be found here